Contribution Submission
Step 1 of 5: Information on the contribution submission
The submission procedure takes five steps. In addition to filling the online form you need to upload a one-page summary in PDF format. Your contribution is properly submitted after performing all the steps only. Upon completion of all steps, you'll receive a success message both online and by email.
If you need assistance using the submission system, please contact
Please be sure to fulfil the following requirements:
- Do not use CAPITAL WORDS except for common acronyms. This is requested for all input fields like author last name, affiliation and the contribution title.
- Be sure to not exchange the first name (given name) and the last name (surname). Otherwise you will be listed by your first name in the author index.
- Prefer to use full first names. Middle initials can be added as part of the first names. Do not include academic titles.
- Prepage the abstract text. There is a length limitation of 35 words.
- Prepare the one-page summary in PDF format according to the template provided on the conference homepage.
- The form allows you to write LaTeX code for mathematical symbols when the LaTeX text input mode is enabled.
Alternative: Modify an already submitted contribution
In the exceptional case an already submitted contribution needs to be modified, please fill in the key for modification you received during the contribution submission: